Official Homepage of the Gravis Ultrasound Emulator (GUSemu)

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GUS for the 21st century

From 1993 up to the end of the 90s the Gravis Ultrasound aka GUS was one of the most popular soundcards among programmers and musicians. Many demos, intros, games, trackers and players support it, a large amount of them is written primary or only for the GUS.
However, the GUS is no longer produced, new computers do not even have ISA slots to stick a GUS into them and a GUS cannot be accessed out of a DOS box in Windows2000/XP and similar environments.
Waiting for a replacement of the GUS has come to an end, the release of GUSemu allows you to hear sound and music instead of silence.

GUSemu32 beta release

On December, 28th of 2000 GUSemu32 for Windows 95/98/ME and Windows 2000 is presented to the public in order to show what the final release will be like. Most of the features used are already included.
Since it is a beta release, it would be very helpful if you can provide as much feedback as possible (comments, ideas, additions to the compatibility lists and, most important, BUG REPORTS). Please help improving GUSemu to the technically possible maximum.
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