Download GUSemu

GUSemu32 0.95 for Win95/98/ME and Win2000/XP (122kb)
Contains the GUSemu32 application, Version 0.95, Win9x/ME and NT4/Win2000/XP emulation drivers as well as the GUSemu32 manual (HTML)

Older Versions of GUSemu32

zipfileThese files are outdated and are just provided for comparison:

Several DOS programs using the GUS (100kb)
Contains ultrinit.exe (original GUS initialization tool), Gusplay by Cascada (real mode GUS modplayer), cs3mtsr by flap/Capacalla (real mode GUS s3m player) and the 64k intro Cartoon by Mist.
Ideal for testing GUSemu32 under both Win9x/ME and Win2000/XP. In order to test the modplayers, you need to have some .mod and/or .s3m modules.

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